


Our team of Access Consultants take a leading role in the delivery of accessibility projects and provide practical and effective solutions to complex problems. Our specialists consult on all aspects of relevant accessibility legislation, 比如《彩宝网平台》, 残疾人士(进入处所-建筑物)标准, 2010 (“The Premises Standards”) and the National Construction Code (NCC). Many are also Access Institute qualified with Access Consulting post-graduate training and education, allowing us to provide a comprehensive range of accessibility consultancy services.


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作为认证和准入研究所合格的准入顾问, we are up-to-date with all relevant legislative requirements applying to existing buildings and new developments. We know all the codes so that you don’t have to worry about the regulations. 彩宝网平台积极主动地与建筑师合作, 建筑设计师, 建筑商, project managers and developers to achieve designs that meet all relevant accessibility requirements while also ensuring that design intent is maintained.


通用设计 is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, 被所有人最大程度地理解和使用, 不论年龄大小, 大小, 能力或残疾. 通过彩宝网平台的咨询服务, 彩宝网平台可以帮助您将通用访问设计纳入您的项目, 从而为所有居住者带来更友好的发展. 早期的设计参与对于获得最佳结果至关重要.


We cover all levels of Livable Housing Standards required by the apartment design guide and SEPP 65 and assist with design compliance to meet the relevant livable standards. Since Adaptable Housing is required by most local council Development Control Plans and policies for residential developments, we provide design assessment for compliance with AS4299-1995 and advice on adaptability measures for a building’s design. 专精于特殊残疾人士住宿设施及LHA项目, our team offers services ranging from design and construction assessments to feasibility, 财产的建议, 设计, 规划和审批.


When you cannot strictly adhere to the Deemed-to-Satisfy requirements of the National Construction Code, 需要基于性能的解决方案. We have in-depth knowledge of the Access to Premises Standards for existing buildings, which allows us to competently assess the “affected part” relating to new works. Our access performance solutions give a common-sense approach to non-compliance issues, 或者需要更创新的方法. 彩宝网平台提供合理的, cost-effective options to achieve compliance for existing buildings or buildings with heritage requirements.


事件可访问性是一个容易被误解和引起争议的话题. The way built environments and social activities are constructed can make it difficult for people with disabilities to easily access facilities. Our extensive experience working with major event organisers allows us to create practical accessibility and inclusion plans, 帮助确保整个活动对整个社区开放. Failure to successfully plan for the needs of people with disabilities at all stages presents a significant risk to organisers.


彩宝网平台对总体规划设计进行审查,以评估访问合规性. 早期阶段的易访问性审查对于设计遵从性是必不可少的, giving the design team the assurance needed to move forward with the design. Being engaged by developers and architects early in the process allows for a more seamless integration of accessible design features, while helping to incorporate key principles and address compliance issues. Making alterations late in the process can be costly and cause major delays.


可访问性 requirements for building developments are becoming increasingly complicated. Our team of experts can help you properly take account of the 残疾歧视法(DDA) as it applies to building access, 教育设施和交通设施. 通过早期干预, 施工阶段检查, 提供合规意见和制定残疾行动计划, we help ensure that developments achieve compliance with relevant DDA accessibility requirements.


We provide practical design solutions for barrier-free access to building premises, ensuring that your design and build are accessible to every member of the public. 可访问性 concept and planning reviews start from the outset of the project and continue through the key stages, 因此,该项目的设计是正确的, 避免以后昂贵的重新设计. We follow state and local council requirements to achieve compliant solutions.


Although legislation requires that existing buildings be upgraded for accessibility, 影响范围仅限于旅行路径的“受影响部分”. 了解强制升级需求的参数非常重要. Using our extensive knowledge and experience in accessibility standards for building upgrades, we can undertake premises audits to identify the best access solution for your specific building.


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彩宝网 ensures non-discrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact the 彩宝网 Compliance Team at 410-737-8677 or compliance@bomabearing.com.