The Convergence of Workplace Violence Prevention and Counter-Insider Threat Programs: A Natural Progression




如果你是公司的安全主管、内部法律顾问或职能主管(例如.g., HR, IT, 帮助管理与内部威胁相关的风险的操作, you may not realize there is an increasingly powerful nexus between the focus and goals of counter-insider threat (CIT) programs and 工作场所暴力预防(WVP)项目.

表面上看, the drivers and response to insider threat and 工作场所暴力预防项目 might appear very different. 然而,它们与威胁操作共享相似的谓词. “内部威胁 是由利用可信赖途径对本署设施造成损害的人士所提出的, 资源或人员,博士说。. 布拉德·米利克,美国国家开发署署长.S. Department of Defense counter-insider threat program within the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. 工作场所暴力会对人员、场所和声誉造成伤害. Both of these threats are magnified given the perpetrators access to employers’ facilities, 资源与人员.

Prevention is the key security focus when dealing with either insider threats or workplace violence. The security framework to address each of these risks continues to evolve based upon the dynamic nature of the threats presented. Companies across the world are increasingly reliant upon remote technology and mobile work locations and they continue to struggle with delivering open, inviting workspaces that support collaboration while providing security against harmful actors. Here are some of the reasons we believe merging aspects of these programs might benefit the security of your company and your employees.


心怀不满的员工经常在工作场所表现出来, 表现出可以从干预中获益的警告信号的行为. Problem employees who progress to insider threats or workplace violence share similarities in that they harbor grudges associated with the work environment. 他们可能有这样的行为倾向,以及关注的焦点, 实施威胁的动机和手段.

Behaviors that are generally addressed under HR policies and give rise to reporting include yelling, 侵略, 逃避和其他不适当的工作行为, including poor performance and project failures due to mismanagement and other actions. Individuals who are not performing according to standards may often feel they are being unjustly persecuted or singled out, and their response to stressors in the workplace can be disproportionate for the situation. 他们可能会开始孤立, 认为自己受到了不公平的对待,不受工作环境的支持.

Recognizing potential harmful outcomes has resulted in policies that require reporting. We regularly advise clients to train their employees to note concerns about their coworkers or other behaviors within their workplace and report these concerns to human resources, 他们的经理, 或指定热线,以识别潜在的问题,并提供干预. 然而,这些干预措施往往只侧重于预防工作场所暴力. We believe companies should look to expand their review to address the potential for insider threats when such behaviors are identified, 因为这两种行为都会损害公司.


Preventing an incident, whether it’s an insider threat or workplace violence, is the ideal outcome. 教育预防项目接地气, 警惕和健全的反应系统可降低总体风险和伤害. 共享的预防策略包括对员工进行警告标志的教育, 鼓励他们报告他们的担忧, 维护这些关注点的数据库并记录响应行动. Ensuring review of reported behaviors and verifying data practices might help reduce harm across the known risks.

虽然不经常观察到,但涉及内部威胁的行为. 这些包括, 例如, 下载或访问大量数据, 试图以不正确的方式登录, 未经授权访问敏感数据, 并寻求在适当的工作参数之外扩大访问范围. 虽然这些活动通常不是暴力的前兆, 他们肯定会损害你的公司, 人员和资源.

通过支持与有问题的员工接触, a structured focus and multi-disciplinary resources is also a sound prevention strategy. 提供潜在的问题解决方案, enlisting help for the employee and sometimes simply providing a sounding board can be among the first steps to redirecting the employee’s focus and assuaging their frustrations. Positive interactions may reduce the likelihood of harmful action and allow management teams to evaluate behaviors over the long-term, 理想情况下,这是为了改进交互和性能. If your employees feel valued, your risks of an insider attack or workplace violence decline.

Employees More Likely to Report Concerns 关于 Workplace Violence Than Insider Threats

Part of the overall safety fabric is to ensure recognition of the stressors and environment that contribute to problem behaviors in the workplace. 如果员工觉得你接收报告的目的是干预和缓和, 而不是终止, 他们可能更支持报道. 对这些行为进行教育是改善干预的一个开始.

Employees are more likely to report safety concerns when they feel they are helping the individual or their coworkers. 然而, employees are sometimes conflicted when reporting an insider threat concern because there is no potential for violence and the stakes seem lower. Your employees need to know that your goal is to intervene and redirect harmful behaviors.

Even with a redirected focus on sharing insider threat and workplace violence concerns, any review of an employee due to a workplace violence issue should also include a review of their data access and management to assess the potential insider threat. 干预和缓解战略可有效预防其中一种风险或两种风险.


如果你的职责涉及管理组织的风险,请三思. 在适当的时候,向你自己、你的同事和你的团队提出一些棘手的问题. 认识到预防是识别、干预和重新定向的结合. Raise awareness that insider threat actors and those who perpetrate insider violence often share similar motivations. If HR interventions and reviews recognize this potential nexus and address data usage as part of any threat assessment and workplace intervention, 你将帮助确保工作场所的安全, 安全高效.

了解彩宝网如何帮助您的组织 识别和管理内部威胁 建立有效的 工作场所暴力预防项目.

黛布拉K的大头照. 科比


黛布拉K. 科比
黛布拉有巡逻行动的指挥经验, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法培训, 政策发展, 以数据为导向的警务和内部事务,重点关注廉正系统, covert operations and the need for strong accountability practices in support of operational priorities.